Co-Op Meet Up
25 Sep
10:00 AM
25 Sep, 12:00 PM
Explore your senses
Lynndale Park
18927 72nd Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Art/Handicraft: Color a stone to represent something about fall and have child create and one sentence story about the stone.
Science: Examine the changes that happen during fall. Kids will lay in a spot in the forest and they will examine what they see, hear, smell, ect in their notebook and see how it changes throughout the seasons.
Circle Time/Book: “Goodbye Autumn, Hello Fall ”
Game: Gather in a small group and combine the stones for an adult to create a story using all the stone pictures. Try to have kids combine the stones to make their own story as well.
Nature Walk: Go on a fall scavenger hunt using an egg container to collect items.
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