Life Cycle/Dispersal of Seeds
Art/Handicraft: With the seeds you have collected on the walk, make a seed mosaic(awesome science for kids p. 112)
Test seeds in air- Do they flutter, float or drop?
Does the seed stick to you?
Does your seed float or sink?
Objective of experiment: Kids will determine how the seed dispersers itself based off of the 3 observations above. Water plants seeds will sink in water vs land plant seeds will float in water
Circle Time/Book:
Circle Time: Talk about the 4 different types of seed dispersal
Book: Miss Maples Seeds by Eliza Wheeler
Game: Hot Pinecone in small groups. Player who is out says their name so kids can get to know each other
Nature Walk: search for maple seeds and make helicopter dragonflies. On hike children can earch for other seeds they might see (like a pinecone, fern seeds,ect). Take the seeds home and place on colored piece of paper and set out in sun for a day or two. This is called sun printing and the paper exposed to sun will change colors (awesome science pg. 100)